


Hard- and software project to track, store and visualize the current temperature and humidity.

Weatherstation graphs.

Looking for a project to work on in my spare time (which touches several technologies), I came across the ESP8266 and had the idea, to create a “weatherstation”. It should be able to track the room climate by storing the current temperature and humidity. Additionally, this collected data should be presented in a nice way.

The project consists of two major parts: The client, which measures the current temperature and humidity, and publishes the data via MQTT. It is based on an ESP8266. And a server, which stores the received values and presents them in a nice way. There are multiple ways to start a server taking care of the data: Either with a nodejs based server, which was specifically created for this project utilizing a SQL database to store the values and starting a webserver to present the data in form of graphs. Or with the help of node-red, influxdb and grafana. Here a node-red flow is be started, which automatically stores the published data to an InfluxDB and Grafana is used to visualize it.

NodeJS weatherstation server Node-RED, InfluxDB and Grafana alternative.

For a more detailed view, see the client repository and the server repository.